Lucky was born on April 26, 2002, and after some pretty intensive care, he grew up to be a beautiful, big boy. However as you can see from a few of these pictures, he was puny as a baby. We fed him every hour, foal lac in a bowl. He went everywhere with Bud because he had to be fed so often. He is living in Turon with Donna and Drew for the summer. It's a little like sending a family member to camp, I miss him but I think it's good for him and he's with people who love him. Enjoy.

Above are pictures of Lucky when he was at the vet clinic for his first five days of life. The picture of Lucky with Bud was taken on his five day birthday as we left the clinic to take him home.

This is Lucky's play pen, where he stayed while Bud worked on our house. It's a lonely boy who only has a tarp to play with...

This is Lucky at 6 weeks old (above).

Lucky loves water as you can see, he's certainly not afraid of a hose.

Lucky practicing.

Lucky loves to have his picture taken.

Lucky, all grown up.
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