Hello my 2 Followers. I hesitated with my blog title but it's all true. I was surprised to see the lilies pop up this week, seemingly unannounced and it also very true that many call these beautiful lilies, Naked Lady's. They have foliage just like daffodils in the spring, that dies away and you think you got nothing for all your trouble of digging a hole, planting the bulbs and watering faithfully... then surprise, surprise, there they are, no foliage, just a beautiful array of blooms on one tall "naked" stem. So there you have my whole story. Signing off from the west side of Lake Fegan as about 5 dozen hummingbirds slurp the feeders dry. It's a piece of heaven.

Bob and I are going to Abilene tomorrow to see Rachel ride at the Abilene Fair Horse Show. I'll post my pictures.
What beautiful naked lilies! Remembering how much I appreciate blog comments, I'll try to do that more often from now on. It was very special having you and Poppi at the fair today, thank you so much for making the trip and complimenting my horses, especially the lovely Diva, who needed someone to remind me how special she is after she spent all morning trying my patience!