Mid morning Toby sounded the alarm, fierce "I'll catch you and eat you" barking and leaping at the glass door out to the downstairs patio. I reacted with a visible start and gasp thinking "could it be murderers?" Gentle reader, you will be glad to know my worries were unfounded. Look what Toby saw:

Just meandering across the yard was this mama turkey and her brood of maybe seven chicks. Aren't they lovely? She seemed oblivious of Toby's furious barking but when I finally got my camera turned on and aimed, she stepped up the pace. Fortunately for me, she paused long enough for me to snap her family portrait.

So here they are heading east towards the lake. We used to see many many turkeys when we first moved to the Lake Fegan area, however, now we feel blessed when they cross our view. I occasionally see their footprints after a rain or near the edge of the ponds, but they used to regularly come up in the evening and clean up after the horses ate their grain, now that chore is relegated to the sparrows.

Can you see the babies? They are pretty well camouflaged as most turkeys are most of the time. Really, when you think about it, this is "big" bird watching.
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