This is an excerpt from an email I sent Colin when he first left home for the Navy. I thought you might enjoy some of these memories.
April 10, 2006
... Many years ago when I was in 4-H I had a collie named Rocky for my project… I also was taking the cooking project. The sad truth is that the morning of the “brownie” competition… my furry project ate my chocolate project… I can laugh about it now but at the time it seemed a major tragedy.
Did I tell you that I got a standard poodle pup? He’s 10 months old, black and must be pretty smart, ‘cause he about has me trained! To lift him up into my truck, even though last night I turned around and he was standing in the middle of the table! To let him sit in my lap for a nap even though he’s too big… We haven’t come to an agreement yet about the word “sit” and how quickly I might want that to happen… however, he comes running when I call his name (which is Toby).

This is the story I wrote about how I came to find Toby. I hope you enjoy it.
Mimi and I drove down to Inola, OK yesterday and picked up my new best friend. His name is Toby. It's an amazing story. Years ago, maybe 20 years ago, Mimi's poodle and Sam (the black standard we got when I was still in Cleveland) had a litter of pups. When I moved back to Kansas, I showed Roxie (do you remember my white standard poodle?) and this black Standard puppy we called Toby. I was in Muskogee, OK one weekend, at a show, the pup placed in his class, no one was friendly, I think one person talked with me the whole weekend. And I was just tired, to make a long story much shorter. I met a woman who had had poodles, but didn't then. So I gave Toby to her and she took him home to live in her house as her companion. Toby was under a year old because he was still in puppy class.
Friday, Feb 3, 2006 after a frantic bout of puppy lonesomeness I have been trying to slow down my attraction to the puppy ads... Friday morning, I sat down at my computer to begin my work and thought I'll just look at one. The first ad that came up was to a standard poodle show kennel in OK, I had looked at her gorgeous pups before but way too expensive. The ad said " we will give two 9 month old Champion sired standard poodle males to perfect homes." I sat there in shock, my heart pounding." Could I be the perfect home??? How could I sneak him in without Bud noticing??? Two very good questions. Then I thought "it's meant to be" and throwing all caution to the wind emailed my "qualifications" including Dr. LaRue's phone number, my ace in the hole.
The woman emails me back, she gave the social one to an older guy, but if I wanted the one that needed socializing I could have him. Helen and I conferred. We decided if Ginger could be socialized successfully then we could bring anyone around. So emailed OK back. Then I have my phone interview... it was touch and go... then I emailed her my references. I jumped through several hoops on Friday... then using my "I want that job" interview strategies, I sent her a picture of Roxie and Sam and reminded her that I was able to groom a dog... then I talked to Mimi and Poppi and they (my dearest enablers) said they would keep him while Bud and I are in TN...
So Friday late afternoon, I emailed her with this last bit of information... then checked my email hourly... nothing. I am heartbroken... I got up early on Saturday am, fiddled around, petted the cat, finally wandered down to check email having steeled myself that I had been rejected as perfect pet owner! But lo and behold, there it was... sent at 1:30 am Saturday... very early... or very late..... a note that said "OK. if you can get him on Saturday." A quick phone call to Helen, and we're off... We leave still thinking we're picking up a poodle who has social retardation, but I figure that is right up my line of work...
We get there and in the midst of an unbelieveable soap opera (ask Helen about these details), meet this gorgeous, socially adept, pleased with himself black poodle boy. The deal with the older guy fell through and we took home what I consider to be as good a poodle as I have ever known.
He's wonderful and I look forward to the chance for you to meet him. Needless to say, his name is Toby, an 8 month old, black standard poodle, 20+ years later. In my mind I will always believe he was meant to come home with me. Timing is not perfect, but then when is it ever? My dog is sleeping at my feet. So that’s my story… pretty cool.
Poppi and I are busy studying horse training. Our goal is to be able to direct the horse’s behavior with hand/body signals… no halter, no lead rope… We’re not there yet. Then there’s the part about riding bareback. Haven’t done that yet either. However, Poppi was able to hold Sprite’s tongue last week. Sounds weird, but actually is a way to measure how comfortable the horse is and how much she trusts. Kate’s not having any of this tongue holding yet… maybe next week.
Mimi got a book on painting from Robin. So next time you’re home, maybe she’ll have a picture to show you. It’s a kit, with paper, brushes, watercolors and a book. Will let you know how this goes.
Bud and I went to Lindsborg yesterday (Palm Sunday, April 9) to hear Duane and Robin sing in the Messiah performance. Amanda and Rachel came with them so we all went to the Lutheran Church for a Swedish lunch. It was very good, although I have to admit to eating “mystery” meat (it looked like hamburger but Bud said maybe it was a soy burger). We also had potatoes, lingonberry (kind of like cranberries) cole slaw, bread and butter (very good) and for dessert more bread (Swedish tea bread, kind of like a cinnamon roll) and rice pudding with mandarin oranges… So different enough to be interesting but ok to eat.
There was entertainment, a group of high school students played violins and other string instruments (very nice) and then they also did Swedish folk dancing… which is a lot more energetic and fun than I thought it would be.
Then the Messiah performance complete with professional singers from Sweden and about 200 Kansans. It was quite spectacular and when they sang the Hallelujah chorus along with the pipe organ, it was quite inspirational.
We got home about 9 pm… could see the prairie fires on both sides of the rode but a long way away even though we could see the orange glow. The air is heavy with smoke. I’m guessing that it will be like this for another week or so.
Bud’s been a successful fisherman recently. He likes to fish the farm ponds and the river… brought home about 25 small fish for our pond stocking project and then some large catfish, that he filleted, cooked and we ate. When you’re home, we’ll get Bud to cook… he can fry up a catfish with the best of chefs.
Amanda wrote this about what she’s doing now: She said “We started ruminant dissection on Monday, and somehow my group got
stuck with a GIANT "calf." It is at least 3 times the size of the other
ones and very gross. Also, there's something really disturbing about
dissecting an animal you would normally eat.......way too familiar lol.
I learned yesterday exactly where the brisket comes from (probably
should have already known) yum.”
Rachel is doing fine. I think she likes what she is doing and the people she’s around. She is still riding horses and is now getting ready for the summer show season.
more tomorrow I hope, ap
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