See below, Robin's totes stacked high (thanks Duane) and attached to Bob's truck for transport south to Parsons. They were untied and then unloaded by a fellow with a fork lift, nifty lifting, never touched by human hands... all cut up and ready for their new life as raised bed for the Parsons Community Garden... amazing!

And then there is the matter of the thing I saw on Tuesday, April 13, driving past Lenny's towards Wichita ... in the dark... What I thought I saw was something big... well, that's what I knew I saw was something big, maybe a yellow cow or a yellow lab... got to get my glasses checked... 'cause what I saw was this... pink pig... tall enough to look right in my car... at one point it was the Miata straining to outrun the Pink Pig... well, maybe not trying all that hard to pass 'cause you have to admit, one has to blink one's eyes several times, to convince one's own self... that what she is really seeing is really a pink pig....

Oh my! The dad photos are sweet but the pig photos are making me laugh hard, so much that it interferes with my typing!