Dear Favorites,
As blogger fans, you know that our Lawrence law student and her trusty companion, Joey, happened upon some boat races on the river during a walking tour. Coincidentally, KU staff recently received a notice from the Kansas Crew, the rowing team, made up of over 50 student-athletes and their fundraiser: Rent-a-Rower. For example, 1 rower for $12.50, 2 for $25... sounds like a deal!
We did one of those things on Saturday that leaves one shaking one's frozen face... we loaded up horses and dogs and motored out to Turon (near Pratt) on Saturday afternoon, watching the temperature drop from 40 degrees in Toronto to 32 degrees by the time we saddled our horses for our breezy ride through the very tall prairie grasses. Loosed three dogs, rode up numerous pheasants and some tiny baby quail... No time for chatting afterward as we quickly departed and turned up the heat in the truck.
Poppi, Mimi and I are watching DWTS and enjoying it... well, at least I am, I think Poppi is simply being a very good sport. If I ever get finished with my current project at work, I'm going to take some vacation time. The Sunflower All Age Championship starts on Monday. We have entered dogs in the weekend trials before and after... what are we thinking??? we don't know.
Ohhh, what's DWTS?