Yesterday Blaze of Glory bucked me off his back, his neck and any other of his body parts I may have touched as I fell, all with gusto. The thing that hurts the most (more than my bruised cheek, elbow and right side) is that I thought we would be fine taking a short little ride and we were obviously not on the same page about that.
I've been bucked off twice in the past 2 years, both times by the same horse... He's such a sweetie (still my opinion), but oh my, can he buck! He stood still for me to get on, stood still while I gathered up the reins, I turned him a quarter turn and the rodeo was on. I think I stayed on for 2 bucks, then I bounced on his neck a couple of times, then skidded across the ground. The worse thing was I got the breath knocked out of me and as I was lying on the ground gasping for air, I thought I might die right there.
I would have felt bad for Bud to have found me dead... but then I didn't die, got my breath and started crawling for the house when I realized I could walk... very happy about that. Bud said I looked like I was in a fight and lost... guess I was ... and I did...
In closing, I didn't almost die like my very much loved niece almost did 7 times last weekend (self-reported) but I'm here (happily so) to say that once was enough for me.
love you all, ap/p