So meet Allee. English Pointer pup, daddy is a champion, Connor's Easy Button and isn't she just as cute as one? Her color is orange and white and in these pictures she is about 6 weeks old. (week of October 18, 2010.) Look closely and you'll see my self-portrait in shadow and poorly shod.
So why the "ears" shot? My new camera takes pictures at a rate of 3 per second. As you can see, that's pretty quick, quick enough to get a shot of "ears up"... but will she listen? now that's the question.
I love puppies. I love the smell of their puppy breath. I like the feel of their little squirmy bodies when their entire being is aimed at escape, I like the way they learn about things, and I like being the one they run to. I love everything about puppies... it's always seemed to me that you can tell the people who love something, someone, some place... you can tell because they don't mind doing what it takes to keep them safe, warm and clean... oh, and that is the true test. Pet a pup today!

Allee and me. Have a lovely day.